Addressing an Issue We Thought Would Never Arise…Creating Content

 For some odd reason, there has been an issue surrounding content creation recently. I know, this is the LAST thing you’d think a group of grown men would complain about amongst all other Madden related things but here we are. Both sides brought up some valid points, but at the end of the day why is this even a d*** issue? JT got enough on his plate and now all of a sudden after a couple years NOW the content point system is a problem for some. Now let’s get into this.

The Purpose of the Content System

This is a content driven league, I did not know that when I first joined through Cookieboy. However, I embraced that because it made this league way more interesting and separated itself from others. It is a unique way for people to upgrade their teams and keep the league exciting. Most of our content helps build the brand of the league to outside viewers, so in reward we get points that we can use to upgrade our team and players. 

Content Point System Breakdown

There are various ways to create content to cater to each person’s interests or strengths. I’ll get into this more later when explaining my view on this situation. Below I will list what one can do for content points and how many points they can receive for it. 

YouTube Series (5 Points)

Broadcast (3 Points)

Highlight Videos (2/3 Points)

Creative Game Stream (2 Points)

Article (1-5 points depending on length)

Evaluate/Other (1-5 points)

This is a beautiful system that has been in place for years. What makes one think it is simply based off of effort? I’m a college student. I can put the most effort in the world into an essay but if it isn’t good I’ll only get a B+. Just because you put more effort or THINK you put in more effort than others does not necessarily mean you should receive more points. Maybe the content point system is based off of not only effort, but creativity and entertainment. Some like my articles, some don’t. One thing you cannot take away from me is that it isn’t a UNIQUE style of article writing. I’m probably one of the first guys to have a “not serious” tone in PML articles and it became a trend. Drama may just talk for ten minutes but it will for d*** sure be entertaining. So, before people start complaining on the system make sure you know how it works. It does not state ANYWHERE on the site that whoever puts the most effort into their content gets the most points. Know the criteria before you judge and compare. 

Nef’s Point of View and My Rebuttal

Nef is one of the top 5 most active members in the league. He is an amazing content creator as well. He feels that he should receive more content points because of all the effort he puts into his work. This is a great point because he does the podcast, a YouTube series, and multiple other forms of content. There is nothing in my mind that can dispute how much effort Nef puts into PML. He may not be the only one feeling this way, but I’m just using him as example for the side that I disagree with on this topic. No one is forcing you to put hours into this gaming league. All the content we create is by choice, not force. However, the content you do choose to create should be something you find joy in doing. I write these articles because I find joy in doing them. Others may find joy in making short videos. Never judge a book by its cover. Just because an article is short or a video is short does not mean there was MINIMAL effort into creating it. There is a reason why creators like Nef want more points and it is an understandable one. He is still trying to grow his channel…so his biggest audience right now is PML. If Nef had fanbases like Cook or Dlloyd he would not be bringing this up. Those two guys actually do this as a JOB which brings me to my next point…which is balance. Some do YouTube for a job, and some don’t. I am glad that JT has those creators set to get 5 points because it keeps their teams from be astronomically better than everyone else’s…for just doing their job which is YouTube. To be honest, if Cook is not complaining about the system, no one should. This should not even be a debate. The whole point of the content point system, regression, and low XP is to keep the league as COMPETITIVE as possible. This is my next point. All of this content talk is distracting us from the fact that JT wants this league to be as COMPETETIVE as possible. There is a reason why some of the lower tier coaches make tons of content and the higher tier coaches don’t. You can get away with being bad at the game and not making content. HOWEVER, you cannot get away with being both bad at the game and not making content. You see that? Being competitive is the bigger issue than just making content. We should keep it the way it is. I love the fact that guys who may not be the best users in the league help make some of the best content. It shows that no matter what situation someone is in they are contributing to PML or at least trying to be better at the game. I respect Nef’s point of view and others who share his vision, but this should not even be an issue man. If anything, it should be how one performs on the virtual field.

Drama’s Point of View

Drama has a similar view to me. He values how people perform in PML as opposed to the content they create. There is a 3-piece content limit that everyone meets by the end of the season. So, why is it a d*** issue about the point system if everyone in the league creates content at some point? Last season some people came at me and TBandit for not creating much content, but guess what? We fulfilled the requirements to stay in the league. Just because one may not create as much content as others does not mean they are disrespecting the league in any way, shape, or form. I tell you what, me and TBandit were competetive in the league that’s for d*** sure. You never know the reasons why someone does not make as much content as others. A lot of us have busy lives but you can’t try to judge what goes on in someone’s life when you don’t even know who they are or what the h*** they even look like at that. So, I agree with a lot of the points Drama said on his recent stream.


Everyone has the right to make their own opinion, but can we end this? Imagine how people feel seeing PML members critique how many points they receive after putting hours into content. A lot of us have lives in here man and some cannot devote as much time to the league as others. No matter what anyone says all 32 users at least take SOME time out of their day to contribute to the league and remain in the brotherhood. Few of us are in college, some with kids, some married, some with multiple internships or jobs, some traveling, and some full-time content creators. There should be no problem at all with ANY of the content one produces in PML. When you invest so much time into a league a lot of these type of issues about any little detail can come up. Maybe if you’re investing too much time into the league take a small break or if you find yourself distant from the league try to be more active. Everyone has their own things going on can adjust to what suits them best. Keep things the way they are.

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