The PML hot seat is back! We’re about seven games in and we don’t quite know who’s on it just yet, but for “fun” I compiled some possible candidates in my opinion.
Some of the easy targets that could be placed on the hot seat are the teams that do not have any victories. Let’s take a look at some of PML‘s winless teams.
NEF – Patriots
One of those teams that we can take a look at is Nef and his winless Patriots. We all know that Nef is a big time content producer for PML and for the most part embodies everything the league should be outside of the gaming part. So him being on the hot seat is highly unlikely. But what if the fact came out that Nef is tanking and not playing all of his games to win? Would that be enough to add this man to the carousel? And in the wild scenario of Nef going to the carousel, would he continue to do the Breakfast Show in good faith while not having a team for a season or two? We will never know because Neff will get some wins by the end of the season and turn that patriots team around but for now maybe he is on the hot seat… But probably not…
Papa Greeny has not won a game with the Atlanta Falcons, but in the past he has already lost his team. Him being one of, if not the first coach to ever be sent down to carousel is reason enough to me let me know that regardless of how his season one turns out, as long as he is able to win a game he will not be on the hot seat. Greeny is known to do some content and he will probably knock some out by the end of season one. I’m only adding him on this list because he has yet to win a game, but in reality i think his chances of being sent back to the carousel are slim to none.
SPDOT – Bears
One coach that I think may be a surprise to be on the hot seat is SpDot and his Bears. Coming off his first cycle and a PML Super Bowl championship, SP now finds himself in the hood and not performing anywhere near what his top 5 ranking listed him as. He currently sits at one win. He is in a division some consider difficult so maybe he gets a pass? However, we must consider that SP has never done content and at times has let our commish know “what he is not gone do” in terms of being a certain team during the limbo of out team selection process. We do know that there are some quality players in the carousel that would be willing to take that Bears team. Correct me if I’m wrong but J clutch favorite team is the Bears or at least Fields is his favorite quarterback. Could that be a good spot if SP dot is eventually placed on the hot seat?
PML is a well established alternate universe of 32 coaches running a virtual NFL team, while in reality many of us have never been involved in professional football or have played in a real life NFL organization. Until now. We have a real life NFL player in our midst playing as the Indianapolis Colts. In my opinion this experiment has shown that just because you are a real life baller and supreme athlete, that does not mean that your skills translate over into video games. Now I could be wrong, and the Colts could have a turnaround season by the end of the season one, but as it looks right now they have not won a game and are not looking that formidable on the virtual field. The Colts may however get a pass because their coach is quite literally playing on Sundays in the actual NFL, playing a brand of football we mimic on the sticks. Well have to wait and see…
Who knows how any of this plays out. But when you have high quality league members like Mali, and Jclutch locked in and ready to roll with a squad, you just cant take any spot for advantage.
Good luck to everyone currently in the league. The PML Hot Seat is a mfer!