How has Casey Hayward Jr’s experience in the league helped the team so far?
Casey has been a great mentor. We have some good athletic young defensive backs and he’s been taking them all under his wing. He has in particular been working with Kendall Sheffield recently and sheff is really pushing to take on that number two corner role next season.
Some would say this team has the toughest remaining schedule ahead. How do you prepare for such a difficult remaining schedule?
Every schedule in pml is a difficult one. We take the season one game at a time and try not to get ahead of ourselves. We are preparing for Miami and will take a look at who’s up next after miami.
Can you describe kind of the energy or the mood and the vibe in the building now coming in the home stretch?
The energy is definitely improved from our lackluster season one. With that being said it’s still not where we want it to be. We have a lot of season left, and the guys are excited about finishing strong.