How to win the division (NFC East)

Commanders: Not gonna lie… I’m not sure if this is even possible especially for year 1. If it was possible I would recommend throwing the ball as little as possible, and let the defense do the scoring.

Cowboys: Drama is setup to compete right out the gate. The way he wins the division is to not choke. Drama is known for his late season breakdowns, which leads to absolutely no momentum heading into the playoffs. Drama needs to start strong and end strong. He has one of the( if not THE) best teams in the game. He has the opportunity to run the ball at a high level behind that oline, the ability to pass with CD, pollard, & Cooks, and his defense is stacked.

Eagles: HD is in the best situation I’ve seen him in since joining PML, but to win the division he’s gotta stay calm. Tuning into a lot of HD games, he lets one play determine the whole game sometimes. He sees someone get away with a BS completion, now the rest of the game HD is throwing contested passes asking why can’t he get the same luck, instead of hitting the open guys. HD has the team to bounce back from any unfortunate play, he’s just got to stay cool. Side note, HDs also has to focus on just winning… not winning MVP, not winning DPOY, not being seen as one of the best passers by the league, f*** all that just win.

Burn: it’s real simple to give burn his tip to win the division. Just take accountability and adapt. All last cycle (and previous cycles) you’d tune into Burns game and he’s making the same exact mistakes he was making the week before that… and the week before that… and so on. Then after the game he’d be complaining about the same exact thing he’d be complaining about after the last loss. Just take the blame and learn. If your QB can’t make a pass that ur divisions XF QBs can make, then stop trying it and throw the passes you know DJ can make. You have a solid well rounded team, who can make a run of HD and drama fold (which they’re known for doing). Come on burn, show me something.