What’s up you guys. I’m coming back with my complete edition of the PML x DC Comics series. Today, I’m providing the full edition for the AFC. Later today or tomorrow, I plan on releasing the full edition for the NFC. This was an article series with KingMike that took some time, but was really fun. Outside of PML, one of my favorite things to do is read comics or watch superhero films. DC being my favorite one instead of Marvel, I decided to bring these interests into PML. I’ve compared every single PML user right now to a DC character I feel most suits them. Some people may have missed the previous articles, so this is why I am releasing this full edition. For the guys who have kept up with the series, thank you so much for reading it. If this is your first time, welcome to the AFC of the PML DC Universe.
AFC East

Jets – Atom
First Appearance: SHOWCASE #34 (1961)
Arch nemesis: Chronos
Abilities: subatomic miniaturization, genius-level intellect, advanced technology
Motives: There are three men who have taken the mantle of the Atom. Ray Palmer, Al Pratt, and Ryan Choi being the current Atom in the DC Universe. All three of these men are scientific geniuses in their own right. Their origin stories tend to vary, but it based around a science accident or an accident in general giving these men the ability to shrink to the size of a molecule. They realized this, created a belt to control their body sizes, and used their capabilities to fight evil.
Notable Moment(s): Ryan Choi created the Bangstick, which was one of the most powerful weapons in the DC Universe at the time in the late 1900s. The Bangstick was a handheld staff that gave Choi the ability to fly. Atom was the 9th member of the Justice League of America. He was one of the key cornerstones to this in the DC Universe at the time and making him one of the first members written to be in the JLA ever.
Correlation: Atom is one of those DC characters that has been around for a long time, basically a veteran but does not get the recognition he deserves. This is where Greeny comes into play. He is one of the veteran members of PML now, but it seems he does not get the respect he possibly deserves. Many people have called him out on certain things, and an uproar in PML even costed him his spot in the league at one point in time. Now is his reputation self-inflicted? That is for you all to decide, but this is what I see from the outside looking in. Atom is one of the smartest characters in DC, and is considered to be a genius. He is definitely in the top 20 in regards to most intelligent characters in DC. Greeny may not be one of the top 10 users you see in the league, but he is aware of more things in Madden and PML than you would expect. His intelligence in these aspects make him sort of a parallel with Atom in DC.

Patriots – Batman
First Appearance: DETECTIVE COMICS #27 (1939)
Arch nemesis: Joker
Abilities: no real superpowers, exceptional martial artist, combat strategy, inexhaustible wealth, brilliant deductive skill, advanced technology, considered one of the 3 smartest beings in the universe
Motives: Filled with vengeance from his parents’ deaths, he became a hero to clean the streets of Gotham from criminals. Bruce also has a rule that nearly everyone in America knows, which is to not kill anyone. The rogue gallery Batman has is one of the most dangerous in all of the DC Universe, but no matter how far his enemies push him he sticks by his code. Batman wants to protect the planet, but in a very calculated and effective manner.
Notable Moment(s): For a character with no powers, he is one of the strongest characters in the DC Universe because of his mind. He founded the Justice League, a group of the strongest heroes on Earth gathered to protect it. He was able to snap Superman out of mind control by throwing his fiancé off of a building, something none of Superman’s allies would have the guts to do. He has outsmarted Darkseid numerous times and is one of the heroes Darkseid respects the most, despite Batman having no powers. He’s also removed the power ring from Green Lantern before. He has also defeated Superman.
Correlation: Batman is one of the most iconic characters ever, but he should not be able to accomplish half of the stuff he does if we are being realistic. This is where SPDOT is a perfect representation of him. His play style isn’t flashy but it is effective. He has beaten the Darkseid of PML (KMFO) and has made back to back Super Bowl appearances. It is sort of like no one knows how he is so effective but he is. Dot is meticulous with his play calling and defensive playstyle. This is where he is similar to Batman as well. Bruce is a mastermind and can take down ANYONE in the DC Universe if he is given an ample amount of prep time. Dot can beat anyone in PML at any given time. You may be fooled at first thinking he isn’t doing anything special when he turns out to be one of the most dangerous users in PML.

Bills – Cyborg
First Appearance: DC COMICS PRESENTS #26 (1980)
Arch nemesis: Metahuman criminals
Abilities: super strength, advanced technology, instant weaponry, genius-level intellect, control over technology, computer hacking, durability, teleportation
Motives: Before becoming Cyborg, Vic Stone was in a horrible accident. With the remaining parts of his body, is father tried to save his life. In this process his father had passed away, but Cyborg was born. After his father’s death, Cyborg vowed to become a hero and not let his sacrifice go to waste. Cyborg is fused with Apokolptic technology, which is the technology from Darkseid’s planet. This then led to Cyborg crossing paths with the Justice League as they were in the hunt for Darkseid. Other versions of Cyborg have him joining the Teen Titans instead, but he is usually only appearing in films or comics led by DC Universe groups.
Notable Moment(s): Not many signature moments for Cyborg because he is more a team member in the DC comics and films. The one moment he had if anything was being the first black superhero to lead a team in DC. He did this in 1989 for the Teen Titans. This was a pretty groundbreaking moment and helped push more black characters into the spotlight for DC. This was pretty remarkable in the comic book world, but an even bigger impact in the real-life world.
Correlation: As we know, Cyborg is not the most well-known character in DC. He is still relatively new to some people who watch DC films or read the DC Comics. BEAST is a new user in PML. He has a season or two under his belt, but not many guys are familiar with him 100% yet. This is why I made Cyborg his counterpart. Cyborg is one of the misunderstood characters in DC, and there should be more of a light on his stories rather than just being a member of teams. James Gunn is now the head of everything at DC so hopefully he gives Cyborg more of the spotlight in his new DCU. BEAST seems to be a really likeable PML member similar to how Cyborg is likeable in the comics. Both of these guys stay out the way and don’t have many or if not any haters. Cyborg is a strong character but does have his limitations sometimes. He is half man and half robot. He is very vulnerable to magic and mind control. His mind was controlled by Darkseid before and has contributed to the entire Justice League getting killed before. BEAST came into PML strong but has struggled recently with his Buffalo Bills squad. I feel like once he gets a team he likes for a cycle, he can be a true problem in PML for an entire cycle.

Dolphins – Firestorm
First Appearance: FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MAN #1 (1978)
Arch nemesis: Metahuman criminals
Abilities: flight, super strength, energy blasts, radiation absorption, atomic/molecular rearrangement and restructuring
Motives: There are multiple versions of Firestorm, but most of them deal with getting into a nuclear accident which grants them their powers into becoming a metahuman. Firestorm getting these powers that he could not imagine then inspired him to want to become a superhero, in a universe already having the Justice League in it. He saw those heroes and wanted to be just like them.
Notable Moment(s): This is not comic book related, but the character Firestorm was created by the same writer who killed Gwen Stacy, Spider-Man’s girlfriend, in a comic. It is amazing seeing the crossover between DC and Marvel with them having the same writer in these aspects. This writer was Gerry Conway. Back to the comics, Firestorm is one of the youngest members of the Justice League. He is a fire elemental, which means his connection to fire is so deeply connected that it is nearly spiritual. There have been eight different Firestorms in the comics, and one of them is the cousin of Green Arrow.
Correlation: You may think after reading all of this, “how the heck is Deebo like Firestorm?” It is mainly because these guys are alike in many ways. Firestorm is a cool character, stays out the way, does his job, and goes on about his day. This is exactly how Deebo is in PML. He does what he has to do and doesn’t bother anyone. He is a cool relaxed guy in our league. Honestly, it is a breath of fresh air to have that in PML. Firestorm is quite a strong character, but not in the spotlight that often. The main correlation between Deebo and Firestorm are there personalities if anything. Deebo can beat anyone in the league at any given time as well. Firestorm’s strength is not to be taken for granted. His power levels are on a nuclear level in DC.
AFC West

Chiefs – Reverse Flash
First Appearance: The Flash #139 (September 1963)
Arch nemesis: Flash
Abilities: super speed, intangibility, superhuman agility, time travel, creates and controls lightning, multiversal knowledge, pass through solid objects, create afterimages of himself (“speed mirages”)
Motives: Simply to make the Flash’s life as miserable as possible, it is really just that simple. He is the most determined person in the DC Universe to want to destroy the Flash and everything that is important to him
Notable Moment(s): He killed Flash’s mother and framed his father. He has tried to steal Iris West (Flash’s wife/girlfriend) and when she rejected him he murdered her. He turned Barry Allen’s kids evil. He killed every boyfriend a woman has ever had. He killed his own family and teacher.
Correlation: Reverse flash has done some of the most sadistic things in DC Universe history. I am not saying Matigy is similar to Reverse Flash in that aspect, but he is just as petty as him. Matigy has slowly climbed the leaderboard into being the pettiest member in PML today. He has even made some of the loudest mouths in PML tap out of arguing with him. His level of being petty or annoying to his opposition matches that of Reverse Flash. Eobard Thawne (Reverse Flash) will do anything in his power to absolutely get on his archrival’s last nerve. Some things he does are just not necessary at all. Even some of the stuff he has done to civilians in the comics. Matigy has mastered getting under people’s skin and is definitely the best at doing that so far in PML. This is why he is the Reverse Flash of PML right now.

Chargers – Braniac 5
First Appearance: Action Comics #276 (May 1961)
Arch nemesis: Metahuman criminals
Abilities: 12th level intelligence, can create advanced technology like time machines, knowledgeable of medical technology, he excels at using all types of technology and other’s technology, can regulate his body’s automatic nervous features, considered one of the 5 smartest characters in the universe
Motives: To prove his not like the original Braniac and the other versions of himself in the DC Universe. He also wants to be and already sees himself as the smartest character in the DC Universe.
Notable Moment(s): He has captured Braniac. Which is quite a feat considering that Braniac is one of the biggest threats to the Justice League. His biggest moment in being that he had fallen in love with Supergirl.
Correlation: In the shows and comics, Braniac 5 comes off as arrogant. Even when he joined the Legion of Superheroes, he came in thinking he was the most powerful of them all because of his mind. This is where he has his similarities to Codes. When Codes first joined PML, he was public enemy number one. He talked his trash and stood on it which is commendable. Many people were rubbed the wrong way by his attitude and would perceive him to be cocky. This is the same exact way Braniac 5 came into the Legion of Superheroes. Braniac 5 earned the respect of his peers by proving he is not evil like the original Braniac. He has his times where he would come off the wrong way but it was all with good intentions. Braniac 5 being a part of the Braniac family tree made people really hesitant on trusting him. His path from being perceived as evil to then a good person was an amazing journey. Codes came off as the villain when he first came into the league. He is not seen as much of a villain now thanks to how petty his divisionmate Matigy is. However, some people may still feel the same way about Codes but he definitely has been trending more in the positive direction rather than villain role. Out of all of my DC Universe comparisons, this is definitely one of the most accurate ones. Everything from their personalities, public reputation, and journeys in what they do are all alike in some fashion. Codes is definitely the Braniac 5 of PML.

Raiders – Green Lantern (John Stewart)
First Appearance: Green Lantern #87 (December 1971/January 1972)
Arch nemesis: Sinestro
Abilities: hard light constructs, instant weaponry, force fields, flight, durability, alien technology
Motives: John Stewart was a member of the US Marine Corps and then was later chosen by the power ring to become a Green Lantern. His heart was already pure before getting the ring, which is what made him worthy of it in the first place. John was a hero before getting his powers and always wanted to do the right thing in life. He was the second main Green Lantern to take the mantle after Hal Jordan.
Notable Moment(s): John Stewart was DC’s first black superhero. This was a huge moment in not only DC, but all of comic books. This huge feat is more of a real life impact rather than just what he has done as Green Lantern in the comics.
Correlation: Everyone in the Green Lantern Corps are strong. Those power rings grant the ones who wear it some of the greatest abilities in the DC Universe. John Stewart embodies great character and the will to do the right thing. This is where he is similar to King Mike. They both have the good guy reputation and are considered to be guys that people tend to like. Out of all of the Green Lanterns, John Stewart is the fan favorite. He was the Green Lantern in multiple Justice League films and the animated series. The main reason King Mike is Green Lantern rather than another DC fan favorite is because of how great a Madden player he is. The resume speaks for itself. King Mike has been to multiple conference championships and Super Bowls. When locked in, he is one of the best users in PML for sure. Green Lantern wields one of the most powerful weapons in the DC Universe and can go toe to toe with the strongest characters. Even though John Stewart is not the strongest Green Lantern, he is formidable in various ways. This is why King Mike is the Green Lantern of PML.

Broncos – Mr. Freeze
First Appearance: Batman #121 (February 1959)
Arch nemesis: Batman
Abilities: cryogenic ability, genius-level intellect, impervious to sub-freezing temperatures, weapons with the ability to freeze anything
Motives: His wife, Nora, became terminally ill. Before the disease could take her life Victor (Mr. Freeze) put her into suspended animation and will stop at nothing to find a cure for his dying wife.
Notable Moment(s): Mr. Freeze aided the Court of Owls, which is one of the most dangerous organizations in Gotham. They promised him to restore Nora in return for him helping them kill Batman. Mr. Freeze also started a new ice age. He attempted to create a frozen world where people in suspended animation could do research to find ways to cure Nora.
Correlation: DK was one of the toughest guys for me to come up with a DC Universe comparison for but I feel like Mr. Freeze is pretty close to him. He comes off as someone without ill intent in PML, and this is exactly how Mr. Freeze is in the comics. Mr. Freeze is technically not a villain, he is just trying his best to find ways to cure his wife. His passion for being willing to go to any length to help her gets manipulated by other villains in the DC Universe. He had been played by the Court of Owls, the Mad Hatter, the Joker, and the list goes on. People know he only wants to cure his wife and he will kill anyone in order to accomplish that. DK comes off as a really nice guy with no intentions to be rude at all. However, deep down this guy is a madman on the sticks. He will be super friendly with you but beat you by 100 points on the sticks. Naturally he could be a really nice guy but he plays no games on the virtual gridiron. Sort of like Russell Westbrook, guys seem to love him off of the court but know once they get in between those lines that he is an absolute MONSTER. Mr. Freeze is a kind hearted killer in the DC Universe. DK is a warm-hearted user who can destroy anyone in the league, which is why he is our Mr. Freeze.
AFC South

Texans – Black Manta
First Appearance: AQUAMAN #35 (1967)
Arch nemesis: Aquaman
Abilities: superpowers come from suit, enhanced strength, energy blasts, skilled fighter, unrivaled swimmer, master swordsman, advanced technology, intelligence
Motives: Black Manta simply wants to destroy everything Aquaman loves, make him suffer, and then kill him
Notable Moment(s): He’s killed Aquaman’s son in the comics. He killed all of his co-workers when he heard that Aquaman has returned. He has also captured Aqualad before.
Correlation: Black Manta has a variety of origin stories, but all roads ALWAYS lead to wanting to destroy Aquaman’s life and everything that he loves. He is not Reverse Flash level of petty, but he simply will go there with Aquaman….like he is with all of that energy!!! Keraun when he first came into the league was a guy that is really cool, calm, and collected. When you p*** him off though, you can get him angry. Similar to Black Manta, he was willing to take it there with people if they were talking crazy behind the keyboard. He still might have the same type of energy to those who may disrespect him. Black Manta and Keraun stand on business! These guys are similar because once you get on their bad side it’s a full court press. In addition, Black Manta is no slouch as a villain. He has beaten Aquaman on numerous occasions and has contributed to the Legion of Doom sometimes. Being able to go toe to toe with the King of Atlantis is quite a feat in itself already. Keraun has established himself as a great user last cycle with the Ravens. He has not been as dangerous with the Texans so far this cycle, but I think this is the year he makes a push. In season 1, he was even in the running for the 1 seed with the Texans too. This was even more impressive than his playoff runs with the Ravens squad. All of these factors are why Ke is Black Manta.

Titans – Mister Terrific
First Appearance: SENSATION COMICS #1 (1942)
Arch nemesis: Metahuman criminals
Abilities: no real superpowers, genius-level intellect, advanced technology, gymnastic ability, skilled fighter, considered one of the 3 smartest beings in the universe
Motives: He always had a drive towards perfecting everything he had done. He joined the Justice Society of America because he wanted to help others and follow the footsteps of his wife who was a humanitarian. Michael Holt (Mr. Terrific) created the T-Sphere to help him take on villains. The robot flying spheres respond to his commands and can create projections and specialized weapons
Notable Moment(s): Not many moments for this character considering he only has been stepping into the spotlight recently. The one moment he had was in the show “Arrow”, where he was extremely close to figuring out Green Arrow’s secret identity. This is a testament to his intellect in the DC Universe.
Correlation: Dlloyd is the friendly guy of the AFC. People have no problems with him and he has no problems with anyone. Mr. Terrific is the same way in the DC Universe. Most of the time while the Justice League is out on missions he is staying back watching the headquarters. He is only called in when it is an absolute NEED for him to be there. These guys are similar in those aspects, and Dlloyd is very smart when it comes to football. We all know Madden is a bad product, and sometimes the guys who know things that would work in REAL LIFE football will not translate to Madden. Do not let his Madden play this cycle fool you, this guy knows football. He knows how to read coverages, the leverage of coverages, personnel, and other key aspects of the game. Mr. Terrific is one of the smartest characters in the DC Universe, but he may not come off that way to the audience. When it comes to both of these guys there is more than meets the eye. They are much smarter than you may perceive them to be. This is why Dlloyd is Mr. Terrific.

Jaguars – Aquaman
First Appearance: MORE FUN COMICS #73 (1941)
Arch nemesis: Black Manta
Abilities: super strength, durability, control over sea life, exceptional swimming ability, ability to breathe underwater
Motives: His mother being the Queen of Atlantis and his father being a human from the surface, he was a half-breed. He was sought to claim the throne of Atlantis and to protect the Earth. He wanted to prevent a war between the land and the seas, where both of his parents are from.
Notable Moment(s): When his brother Ocean Master was planning on taking over the Earth, he went through the entire Justice League. The only person able to stop Ocean Master was Aquaman. When he defeated the original Black Manta, he did not save him from his death
Correlation: Well the only correlation between these two is water. Since the guy who joined PML this season has a username of water, why not just say he is Aquaman? There is not much we know about him since he is new, so this correlation is strictly based off of the username. I am not sure about his gameplay or virtual personality, but he seems like a good addition to the league. Hopefully by next cycle I will have more information on him. Not much to analyze here though, the guy’s name is water so I figured why not make him our Aquaman.

Colts – Steel
First Appearance: THE ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN #500 (1993)
Arch nemesis: Lex Luthor
Abilities: superpowers come from suit, genius-level intellect, enhanced strength, flight, advanced technology
Motives: To protect Metropolis since Superman had passed away. Inspired by Superman and all he has done for the planet, he developed a suit that shows his respect to him and enable him to protect the city
Notable Moment(s): No huge moments in the comics.
Correlation: This man is one of the most underrated characters in the DC Universe, but it is for good reason. Steel has the right motives and everything, but he does not strike fear into most characters in DC. He was able to go toe to toe with Superboy, Cyborg Superman, and the Eradicator though. All of these guys have traces of Superman’s DNA or powers in them. However, they are nowhere near as powerful as the true Man of Steel himself. This is like CB. He is a great guy and one of the coolest guys in the league to me honestly. His gameplay on the field may not be the best though. He even has a series on himself about all of his interceptions and even makes fun of himself in chat. Its great that he’s able to laugh at himself and he will even tell you he is not the best. (CB dotted me up this season so I’m not the best user myself either lol). Steel is a nice guy in DC but really does not have the tools to hang with the top dogs. I feel like CB making it clear he has a lot of room for improvement made me start thinking of this character. Steel is relatively new because he did not enter the DC Universe until the late 1900s. CB is in his second cycle, but could still be considered a new guy too. I feel like after this cycle people he will start entering PML veteran territory. This is why CB is our Steel.
AFC North

Ravens – Toyman
First Appearance: (Schott) Action Comics #64 (Nimball) Action Comics #432 (Okamura) Superman (vol. 2) #177 (September 1943)
Arch nemesis: Superman
Abilities: No real powers, mechanical genius, capable of building huge toys, can create deadly robotic weapons
Motives: Obsessed with wanting to kill Lex Luthor (owner of LexCorp). He was offered at a young age to work for LexCorp but declined the offer. A few weeks later his wife was killed. This is what has led to his vengeful obsession with Lex Luthor. He was defeated by Superman in his attempt to murder Lex Luthor, which then began his path into really becoming a supervillain.
Notable Moment(s): Superman and Batman once needed Toyman to stop a meteor full of kryptonite from striking the Earth. In this movie, Toyman was considered the only person in the world capable of building a robot large enough to destroy the meteor. His invention aided Superman and Batman in saving the entire planet. This version of Toyman was the 13-year-old one from the film Superman/Batman: Public Enemies.
Correlation: Toyman is always seen as some C list supervillain in DC Comics. This is mainly due to him not having powers and his archrival being one of the strongest members of the Justice League. Usually in DC Comics films, you see Toyman being used as the villain for the introduction that Superman or a hero from the Justice League puts back in prison with ease. However, Toyman can still be very dangerous from afar by having remote controlled robots or utilizing his intellect to aid other DC Comics characters. Similar to our Ravens user, he may not be the scariest opponent in PML but he can go toe-to-toe with the majority of PML. What separates Arod from a lot of others is his willingness to be better. He knows he may not be the best user in the league but he for sure wants to improve into being better. Similar to Toyman too, Arod minds his business and stays out of the way. He has his fun and doesn’t take Madden too seriously, he enjoys real life as he should. Toyman may not be the biggest threat in the DC Universe, but he doesn’t bother anyone and has fun building his toys.

Steelers – Captain Boomerang
First Appearance: The Flash #117 (December 1960)
Arch nemesis: Flash
Abilities: No real superpowers, mechanical genius, expert marksman, uses weaponized boomerangs, great combat skills
Motives: He immigrated from Australia to the United States, and he decided to use his talents to steal jewels. The problem was he ran into the Flash in Central City. He then developed a hatred for the Flash and started creating special boomerangs to give him a better chance of taking down his rival. The most common iteration of Captain Boomerang involves him joining the Suicide Squad where he completes tasks for Amanda Waller in return for reduced prison sentences.
Notable Moment(s): There are not many notable moments for this character because in today’s comics he is mostly a member of the Suicide Squad. However, there was a key moment in the passing of the torch. Digger Harkness (Captain Boomerang) was sent to kill Jack Drake, who was the father of Tim Drake (Robin). Harkness did not realize that Jack was warned of this and was able to defend himself in the assassination attempt. Both Jack and Digger died in this altercation. Owen Mercer, the son Harkness had originally abandoned, then decided to then take the mantle of Captain Boomerang.
Correlation: Captain Boomerang is one of the funniest villains in the DC Comics Universe. In his roles in the Suicide Squad films and games, he provides valuable skills to the team. At the same time, he is one of the goofiest members of the team. This is where he relates to Curt. One of the light-hearted personalities of PML is Curt. It seems that no one really takes him seriously, and he doesn’t even take himself seriously. He gives PML a breath of fresh air which is needed with how toxic everything is. Do not get it twisted though, Curt can win a game and throw for 400 yards in the blink of an eye. Captain Boomerang may be goofy, but if you get too comfortable around him he can send an exploding boomerang right at your head.

Browns – Darkseid
First Appearance: Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #134 (December 1970)
Arch nemesis: Superman, Justice League
Abilities: super strength, invulnerability, genius-level intellect, combat strategy, alien technology, teleportation, energy blasts
Motives: He simply seeks the Anti-Life Equation which is a formula that controls the minds of all sentient beings and could give him the chance to control all of sentient life throughout the universe and beyond.
Notable Moment(s): Darkseid has a few notable feats. He is a God and his power levels are on par with those of Superman. He’s killed Zeus, who is Wonder Woman’s father. He has consumed a universe. He can go toe to toe with the Anti Monitor, who is one of the top 5 most powerful beings in the DC Universe.
Correlation: When you think of domination in the DC Universe, you think of Darkseid. When you think of domination in PML, you think of KMFO. Darkseid is one of the most feared villains in all of DC Comics. He is so strong is more commonly regarded as a rival of the Justice League rather than just Superman. Darkseid can defeat the majority of the DC Universe on his own and it takes a team effort to really take this man down. KMFO is one of or if not the most dominant user we have ever seen in PML. He has won countless Super Bowls consecutively and has had multiple seasons without one loss. Like Darkseid, KMFO wants to dominate and that is the main goal he has in mind. These two will stop at nothing to make sure they remain at the top of the food chain. They take their work seriously.

Bengals – Blue Beetle
First Appearance: Mystery Men Comics No. 1 (1939)
Arch nemesis: Carapax, Metahuman criminals
Abilities: alien technology, durability, flight, super strength, instant weaponry, combat skill
Motives: He unintentionally inherited an alien technology called a Scarab, which infused with his body and mind giving him superpowers. He values family and protecting others. His powers naturally gave him the ability to become a superhero. There are 3 men who have taken on the Blue Beetle mantle. The strongest and most recent one being Jaime Reyes.
Notable Moment(s): Even though Robin doesn’t have any superpowers he is one of the most intelligent members of the Teen Titans. Not to mention that Damian Wayne (Robin) is the son of Batman. In Robin’s first encounter with the Blue Beetle he nearly got killed in minutes. This goes to show how strong the Scarab and Blue Beetle is. Blue Beetle has also defended himself against a nuclear bomb. He survived a sneak attack from Guy Gardner (Green Lantern Corps Member). He has also survived falling from orbit.
Correlation: There was not much to work with since our Bengals user is new. I’ve had the chance of playing him once in a tryout game. He goes by the name of S1LENT. I’ve used this to come up with his DC counterpart. Bleu Beetle has been around since the 1900s, but he is still regarded as one of the new characters in DC Comics. The 3rdBlue Beetle, Jaime Reyes, did not make his first appearance until 2005. This is pretty new for a DC Comics character. He does not have as much stardom as the others, and we are still learning more about him. Blue Beetle got its first lead film ever as a character last year. So similar to Blue Beetle, S1LENT is a new user we do not know much about and we are still analyzing. He has a strong team around him so he has a chance to be one of the competitive users in PML, and he seems pretty serious about Madden since he is in 9 leagues. Blue Beetle may be new, but he is certainly powerful at times.