This is the complete edition for the NFC x DC Comics crossover. In this series I compared every PML user to a DC character I feel like most suits them. Before you start whining, I’ve told JT to not count my points for the complete edition articles. It is simply a reupload for anyone who may have missed the previous divisions and an easy way to organize it all for new readers. Anyways, I’ve decided to put my strong passion for DC into PML. I mentioned some characters here that some of you all might have never heard of before. So here is the NFC of the DC PML Universe. Without a doubt this was my most creative PML project ever and I’m glad I was able to bring it to life with King Mike. Enjoy.
NFC East

Eagles – Captain Cold
First Appearance: Showcase #8 (June 1957)
Arch nemesis: Flash
Abilities: cryogenic ability, criminal mastermind
Motives: Driven by greed, power, and justice. Captain Cold commits bank robberies in order to gain wealth and power, and to become a major threat to his rival, The Flash. Despite doing a lot of crimes, Captain Cold does sometimes have a moral code. He seeks vengeance on those who do him wrong, and he values loyalty. Once you break that loyalty he will never forget it
Notable Moment(s): Captain Cold is responsible for helping form the Rogues, a group of supervillains in Central City who unite against the Flash. Captain Cold became the main figure in the Flash’s rogues gallery. Some the Rogues’ conflicts with the Flash highlight how good of a strategist and leader Captain Cold is. He has contributed to doing a lot to stop the Flash
Correlation: Captain Cold is one of the villains Flash despises of. He is not the strongest or the most dangerous, but he knows how to get under the Flash’s skin despite his limitations. HD is one of these people who knows how to get under people’s skin. Not to the level of Matigy, but he is not afraid to speak his mind at all. Captain Cold loves trolling the Flash too. He has not done so much this cycle, but HD has been notorious for his top tier trolling skills. HD is also viewed as a user who is the middle of the pack, but he can be a top user in games when he wants to be. Captain Cold is the villain Flash always beats and throws back in prison in like 15min. Whenever Captain Cold is with the Rogues or is facing a larger team of superheroes, he tends to show up and become a tougher villain to defeat. PML knows that in big games against top 10 users HD is one of those guys who tries in those games. For someone with no Super Bowl victories, he has defeated every single PML juggernaut except KMFO, simply because they barely play one another. So this is why HD is the Captain Cold of PML.

Cowboys – Joker
First Appearance: Batman #1 (April 1940)
Arch nemesis: Batman
Abilities: complete unpredictability, chaos agent, customized weapons, wields toxin which causes victims to die laughing
Motives: The Joker’s primary goal is to wreak havoc and terror on the streets of Gotham City. He wants to challenge Batman’s moral code and views their rivalry like a video game with no rules at all. He wants to show that anyone can be brought to the brink of madness. This is why one of his famous quotes in DC Comics is “all it takes is one bad day”. The Joker’s motivations may differ from story to story because he is such an unpredictable and chaotic character
Notable Moment(s): He has done a number on both the Bat Family and the Justice League. In the Injustice storyline, Joker tricked Superman into killing his wife and his unborn baby. He’s also responsible for torturing and killing the second Robin, Jason Todd. Joker has also paralyzed Batgirl. In the Christopher Nolan trilogy, Joker killed Batman’s girlfriend, Rachel, and burned half of Harvey Dent’s face turning him into Two Face. There are various storylines around the Joker, but he is the forefront of the villain world in all of comics. He has caused a lot of problems for the superheroes no matter the storyline
Correlation: Well we all know the main man DramaMan has even given himself the Joker mantle in PML cycle after cycle. He even has an emoji in chat based around him being the Joker. It only makes sense to solidify that by making Drama the Joker of PML in this article series. His personality is the most entertaining and hilarious one in the league. We all know the Joker loves laughing and making people laugh. Before he even became the Joker in DC, he was a comedian. Drama is naturally funny and makes the league interesting. He is also one of the most unpredictable guys in the league. Out of nowhere he will start rambling and get on someone’s case. Joker is the most unpredictable character in DC Comics today. These two guys share so many things it is actually insane. Some guys think Drama is delusional about PML as well. He views himself as a top 10 guy and better than most of the league. Many of his takes raise the eyebrows of members. His combination of delusion, comedy, and chaos is why he is the Joker of PML. Its great to have this type of personality in the league honestly.

Commanders – Red Arrow
First Appearance: More Fun Comics #73
Arch nemesis: Teen Titans supervillains
Abilities: archery, unrivaled aim, exceptional martial artist
Motives: To display heroism and justice in the world. He was originally Speedy as Green Arrow’s sidekick, and once he grew out of that role he became Red Arrow. He aligned himself with heroes in the Justice League and the Teen Titans to fight crime. He seeks personal growth due to him battling addiction in the past. Later in the comics, he became a father and would do everything in his power to protect her and his family
Notable Moment(s): His biggest moment was the 1971 storyline that highlight his battle with drug addiction. It was a groundbreaking story that shed a light on real life issues people dealt with at the time. Him being able to power through that made his impact bigger than just in DC Comics. The 1971 comic, “Snowbirds Don’t Fly”, showed Red Arrow leaving the superhero roles for a temporary amount of time due to his addiction. Later on, he fought through it and took on the identity of Arsenal for some time while fighting crime solo. Another big moment for him was leading the Outsiders, which is another superhero team in DC Comics.
Correlation: Miles is a new user we do not know much about, but he is active and great for the league. I was originally going to make him Green Arrow, but due to him being Washington I decided to give him Red Arrow to match the colorway. Red Arrow is a conflicted character who has gone through a lot. In some comics he has died tragically. He lost him arm in battle in one of the others. The most famous thing, was him fighting drug addiction in the comics. None of these things are why I made Miles Red Arrow of our DC PML Universe, but mainly just the color way and power levels. Red Arrow is near the lower tier of DC characters in regards to abilities plus he does not have superpowers. Miles has not had the best performance on the field but there is still tons of room for improvement for him. He wants to get better as well and has shown he could possibly be good at team building if he is given a roster that fully suits him. H***, he almost even beat me too and deserved to win that game. Me having little to no information on him and seeing his performance record wise, I feel like it is best to describe him as our Red Arrow.

Giants – Bane
First Appearance: Batman: Vengeance of Bane #1 (January 1993)
Arch nemesis: Batman
Abilities: enhanced strength, durability, intelligence, master tactician, skilled fighter
Motives: His motivations are based on power and revenge. From the prison environment, Bane is driven by a strong desire to overcome fear and dominate people. His main goal is often to prove himself as the best opponent Batman has in Gotham. He sees Batman as someone who has all of the qualities he hates. He sees him as privileged and having lots of power. Bane wants to break Batman physically and mentally. Even when they fight he always says how he wants to break him. Bane’s childhood and prison experiences turned him into the criminal he is today
Notable Moment(s): The most notable moment that Bane has in all of DC Comics is breaking Batman’s back. This moment was even portrayed in the Dark Knight Trilogy, where he broke Batman’s back in the final film. In the comics, Bane facilitated the escape of multiple inmates from Arkham Asylum to wear down Batman physically. Later in the comic, Bane finds Batman in the Batcave which then leads to him breaking his back and temporarily paralyzing him. This was one of the most brutal defeats of Batman. This moment is what made Bane one of the significant figures in the Batman rouges gallery.
Correlation: Bane is one of the big chracters in the Batman rogues gallery, but he is not the strongest. Joker, Deathstroke, and a few other Batman villains stand out. Bane is never really a true Justice League threat. He gets his strength from a venom that makes him much larger and stronger than his normal self. He has a lack of speed, but excels in strength and martial arts. It is a fight style that many see coming and heroes tend to effectively put him away. Burn has a reputation built by his peers that he does the same things on offense. My thing is, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. I personally respect his gameplay and offense, but others seem to discredit him. Some see his offense as something really simple and do not want to give him credit when he beats them. Well why make something more complicated if it is already working? Bane is a character that everyone knows what is coming. Heroes know he wants to wrestle with them and how he gets his strength from venom. In the comics, he tends to be a character that is so simple but is effective in his quest of breaking the Bat. Many comic readers wonder how the heck did Bane break Batman’s back? He is a simple character but he is much stronger and smarter than you would think, Burn may seem like a simple player to many, but he knows his limitations and uses it to his success. Sometimes simplicity is the best method. This is why Burn is the Bane of PML.
NFC West

Rams – Lex Luthor
First Appearance: Action Comics #23 (1940)
Arch nemesis: Superman
Abilities: no superpowers, genius-level intellect, inexhaustible wealth, political influence
Motives: He wants revenge over those he feels do him wrong. He also wants to be in a position of power and loves being in control of things. His biggest motive thought is to defeat the Man of Steel, Superman
Notable Moment(s): Lex Luthor is the smartest human on Earth, with his intellect surpassing the likes of Batman and Mr. Terrific. He was able to easily find out the real identity of Batman. Lex was responsible for creating Doomsday, the monster that killed Superman. He’s also built a suit for himself out of scraps that could aid him in fighting the likes of Superman or other super powered beings. Lex has also once cured an incurable disease and once was President of the United States. He is one of the most respected characters in the DC Universe by others
Correlation: Lex has no superpowers, but his mind makes him one of the 5 most dangerous villains in the DC Universe. When you see Cookieboy you may think he is just a guy who plays Madden. H***, he has been playing Madden since I was in middle school, and is one of the OG’s in regards to the Madden content creation community. However, there is more than meets the eye. When he is locked in, he is probably the most dangerous member of PML and has proved it by winning back to back Super Bowls. You may think he is a harmless person at first on the virtual gridiron, but he can really turn up and beat ANYONE and ANY given time when he cares. Right now, he is the best user in the league and has to be seen as the PML villain right now. There is no one more fit for this than Lex Luthor as his DC counterpart. Both can fool you with their words but can destroy you in the blink of an eye, and you wouldn’t know how the heck it happened.

49ers – Hawkman
First Appearance: Flash Comics #1 (1940)
Arch nemesis: Hath-Set
Abilities: flight, enhanced strength, weapons expert, combat skill, combat strategy, reincarnation
Motives: A fierce warrior without equal, Hawkman has been a human being trapped in an ancient Egyptian curse of endless death and rebirth, and at other times, an alien police officer sent to Earth to help defend it. Sometimes, he’s even been a combination of both. His origin story has not had much of the spotlight recently in DC, but long story short he is one of the historic heroes
Notable Moment(s): Not many notable moments in the comics, but is considered by Batman to be the best melee combatant in the world
Correlation: Many people have not talked about CEO. Everyone just brushes past his name like he is washed or ancient. Personally, I feel like this guy can hang with anyone and he may not like Madden this year. He is also stuck in division with tons of competitive users. Let’s not act like he did not make the playoffs in season 1 as well. Hawkman is a strong character in DC, but he is one of the ancient ones. He’s been a part of the Justice Society in some comics then was a part of the Justice League. Usually he is referred to as one of the older heroes in the comics. I feel like CEO fits this mold because of the reputation people have given him. His track record has not been the best as of late, but he is still good enough to hang with a lot of people in PML. Hawkman is seen a strong old guy with wings and weaponry, but one swing of that will have you feeling how d*** strong he is. There is no character that fits 2024 CEO more than Hawkman at the moment.

Seahawks – Black Adam
First Appearance: The Marvel Family #1 (1945)
Arch nemesis: Shazam/Captain Marvel
Abilities: immortality, super strength, super speed, invulnerability, flight, magic, teleportation, healing factor
Motives: Thousands of years before Billy Batson became a magically-empowered hero (Captain Marvel), the wizard Shazam selected another champion. Teth-Adam began as a hero of humanity, but then allowed his power to corrupt his ideals and desires. Now labeled Black Adam, he was exiled by Shazam, but returned in the modern day. A frequent enemy to Earth’s heroes, Black Adam believes he is the right person to lead humanity and any action he takes is necessary for the greater good.
Notable Moment(s): He was once a member of the Justice League and Justice Society. He’s also mastered forms of martial arts that Batman couldn’t beat before. He’s started a world war too
Correlation: This guy is one of the strongest characters in the entire DC Universe. There was a blockbuster movie about Black Adam for a reason. He can take down Superman, Green Lantern, Darkseid, and other top tier characters. Z is always looked at as one of the best users in PML. He is always in the mix for playoff appearances and due for at least one good playoff run per cycle. He may not have the best resume playoff wise right now this cycle, but the respect is always there. On any given day, he can take down the BEST in PML. Black Adam often sees himself holding back when it comes to fighting opponents, but once he is angry he is nearly unstoppable. Just imagine Superman with lightning powers and magic. This is Black Adam. This name strikes fear into many characters in the DC Universe. Z is the Black Adam of our PML DC Universe.

Cardinals – Black Lightning
First Appearance: Black Lightning #1 (April 1977)
Arch nemesis: Tobias Whale
Abilities: creates and controls lightning, creates and controls electromagnetic fields, Olympic-level athlete, skilled fighter
Motives: Jefferson Pierce grew up poor and with few expectations put on him. But rather than coast through life, he decided to challenge every chance. As an adult, he entered the Olympics and won three gold medals. He furthered his education, then started teaching so he could help young people realize their own potential as he had, but gang violence and criminals kept threatening his community and his students, which is when Jefferson Pierce decided to no longer hide from the metahuman abilities he had been born with. He then began fighting crime as Black Lightning
Notable Moment(s): Not many major moments for this character as he is relatively new in the DC Universe
Correlation: Que is one of those PML members that is always seen developing speed. Like Fallen, they seem to have a knack for developing the fastest teams in the league. This is why Que is Black Lightning more than anything. His teams always seem to be lightning fast. Everyone blinked and the Cardinals have 95 speed guys EVERYWHERE. We know the damage he did with the speed demons in Miami last cycle. He created another set of those demons in Arizona this cycle. This correlation is more name related and team building based. The power levels and other aspects are not really similar. When Que is locked in, he can definitely be seen as a stronger character. This cycle it seems he is having fun as the man should. Madden is a video game at the end of the day, and we are all playing it with different purposes. Let Que have fun! With all of that being said, he is our Black Lightning of the PML DC Universe.
NFC South

Saints – Booster Gold
First Appearance: Booster Gold #1 (February 1986)
Arch nemesis: None
Abilities: advanced technology, super strength, flight, durability, energy blasts, force fields, knowledge of the future, thermal vision, x-ray vision
Motives: Mike Carter, a college football star of the 25th Century earned the nickname “Booster” on the field. Even though people assured him a professional career of fame and fortune was in his future, he decided he couldn’t wait and bet on his own games. The betting scandal put a halt to those dreams of professional stardom and ruined his reputation. He then took a job as a security guard in the Metropolis Space Museum. After some time, Mike saw another opportunity after studying the early age of superheroes. With future and alien technology stolen from the museum, and a time machine that was on display, he realized he could not only become a superhero himself in a past era where his criminal history was unknown, but he could also make his good deeds profitable. With his robot friend Skeet, Mike time-traveled to the modern age and took the name Booster Gold. For years, he’s fought evil alongside different versions of the Justice League and his closest friend Ted Kord, the second Blue Beetle
Notable Moment(s): He does not have many combat feats, but he has time travelled everywhere in the DC Universe. One of his best combat feats if anything was being able to take hits from Doomsday. His durability is definitely one of the best in the DC Universe. Keep in mind too that Doomsday has killed Superman, so he’s one of the strongest guys in DC
Correlation: Both of these guys have similar personalities. In DC, Booster Gold is the guy who doesn’t take stuff seriously, he cracks a lot of jokes, and he is cocky at times. JC is someone who jokes around a lot, but he has definitely changed a little bit as he has grown in the PML ranks. He started off in the carousel and was a rather quiet user. He was not the best at the game at the time (around Madden 22) and he is arguably the most improved member we have in PML in regards to as a user today. As he went on to get the Colts and now Saints this cycle, he has shown a bit more personality as he has performed better on the virtual gridiron. He has even given guys tips on how to be better at the game of Madden. Calls out a few guys on their lack of skill in Madden and sometimes talks about how good he is himself. Booster Gold is extremely outgoing in all of the DC shows he is shown in. He’s young and full of life. He also thinks he can handle every single villain in the world with ease…because he is Booster Gold. I don’t want to say JC has become a completely cockier person in PML, but if you are coaching others PML users without them asking for help in the first place it may come off as cocky to them. Booster Gold is a strong character as well. His futuristic suit gives him his powers to fight crime. JC is a top 10 user in PML right now and has come off of back to back 10+ win seasons. His skill as a user is something not to be sneezed at, he is one of the best right now. Out of the entire division, this may be one of the members that are closest alike to their DC counterpart. This is why JC is the Booster Gold of our PML DC Universe.

Falcons – Heat Wave
First Appearance: THE FLASH #140 (1963)
Arch nemesis: Flash
Abilities: high-temperature flame control
Motives: Mick Rory’s love of fire started when he was a small child, but it turned deadly the moment he set his childhood home ablaze and watched from afar as his family was consumed killed by the fire. As he grew older, Mick’s love for fire grew uncontrollable. Inspired by Central City’s band of costumed super-villains, the Rogues, Mick invented a handgun-sized flamethrower and a flame-retardant suit for himself. He adopted the code name “Heat Wave” as he turned his passions into profit. He then became a member of the criminal organization known as the Rogues
Notable Moment(s): Heat Wave has a had a few cool moments in the comics. He has laughed off a punch from the Flash. He went blow for blow with Captain Cold. He nearly killed the Flash when he took a blast from his weapon. Heat Wave is also extremely effective in defeating the Martian Manhunter
Correlation: This may be an odd comparison to you all, but this is another person with a personality similar to his PML counterpart. Heat Wave is not a strong character really, but he has a strong passion for flames and destroying the Flash. Nef has a passion for football as a whole. He loves studying the X’s and O’s and trying to implement that into his Madden game. In addition to that, he is the voice of the league right now with his podcast alongside his morning crew. Heat Wave is one of the loudest mouths in the DC Universe. Flash talks a lot, but he has even gotten on Flash’s last nerves. This is not to say Nef is annoying, they are just similar in the aspect of sharing their opinions. Another thing is this is officially our first PML DC Universe duo. I named the Eagles as Captain Cold. The Falcons are Heat Wave. HD and Nef are pretty close and its known. They argue sometimes and agree on things, but it is known these two are a PML duo. In the comics, Captain Cold and Heat Wave literally complement one another with their abilities. I mean look at their names. So this played a role in me making Nef our Heat Wave as well. All of these factors are why Nef is the Heat Wave of our PML DC Universe.

Panthers – Amazo
First Appearance: The Brave and the Bold #30 (June 1960)
Arch nemesis: Justice League
Abilities: Flight, Superhuman strength, Telepathy, Shapeshifting, Power Manipulation, Superhuman durability
Motives: There have been multiple versions of this character. Most commonly, Amazo is an android created by the villain scientist Professor Ivo. He already had abilities similar to everyone in the Justice League. His technology allows him to mimic the abilities and powers of superheroes he fights well immediately.
Notable Moment(s): He has defeated the Justice League himself on multiple occasions and the only one able to stop him was Batman, the one without superpowers
Correlation: Well we all look at JT as basically a robot. So why not make him the strongest robot in the DC Universe, which is Amazo. When JT is locked in, he is probably a top 10 user in PML. Every single season 5 he makes a run and gets super competitive because he finally gets some time to focus on gameplay. These runs sometimes even begin in season 4. Amazo is a super strong character. He literally has the abilities of every member of the Justice League and gets stronger as he fights. Some versions of him are basically unbeatable. He is such a serious threat that there has been times where Batman has had to try to reprogram him because he is just that powerful. The running joke in PML is JT is a robot so there isn’t much else to explain here. When he plays for real, he can beat the majority of the league. This is why JT is our Amazo.

Buccaneers – Constantine
First Appearance: THE SAGA OF THE SWAMP THING #37 (1985)
Arch nemesis: Nergal
Abilities: magic, supernatural knowledge, extreme cunningness
Motives: He’s selfish and just wants the best for himself most of the time. Many of the times he has fought alongside the Justice League it was because his life was at risk as well. He’s even made tons of mistakes that he has had to pay the price for and needed the Justice League to dig him out of the issues.
Notable Moment(s): He has walked up to Trigon and asked him to light his cigarette. Trigon is one the SCARIEST villains in all of DC…and this man asked him to light his d*** cigarette. Batman doesn’t listen to many characters, but Constantine is one of those guys he actually listens to. He’s killed Nabu, the man who gave Dr. Fate his powers. His greatest feat is the fact that he cannot die. He tricked the Gods into thinking his soul is pure and that if he dies the universe would be at risk. He has also fooled the Spectre, the God of the DC Universe.
Correlation: Without a doubt this is my FAVORITE PML comparison of them all. Constantine and Cammy are the same person. S***, it’s scary! In the comics, shows, and movies Constantine is always the guy not taking anything serious. He’s always smoking a cigarette and not giving a d*** about anything. Cammy is the same way, but maybe minus the cigarette part and replacing that with weed. He gets high as h*** and be having fun. One of the coolest personalities in PML honestly. Constantine is the antihero of DC. He’s like Deadpool of DC in a sense. Both are good guys, but they do some bad s*** too. Constantine is powerful but he is so nonchalant that he is oblivious to things he should take seriously. Cammy be airing the football out when he plays. He really has fun throwing it out there. Cool, calm and collected. Constantine is a new character in DC. He might be one of the newest characters I have actually mentioned in this entire series considering he came out in the 80s while others came out in the 60s or earlier. He has gotten a lot of recognition in DC shows and movies. There is even a film Keanu Reaves starred in where he played as John Constantine. This character is really interesting and his roles are only increasing with time. Going back to Cammy though, this is him. When I made my list of comparisons, this was the first one I nailed. All of the factors of personality and powers are why Cammy is the Constantine of our PML DC Universe.
NFC North

Packers – Flash (Wally West)
First Appearance: FLASH COMICS #1 (1940)
Arch nemesis: Reverse Flash
Abilities: super speed, intangibility, superhuman agility, time travel, creates and controls lightning, multiversal knowledge
Motives: When Barry Allen was the Flash, he took Wally West under his wing as the Kid Flash. Both had similar abilities from the Speed Force. The same lightning bolt that struck Barry to give him his powers also struck Wally West. When Barry Allen was considered dead, Wally West then took the mantle of the Flash
Notable Moment(s): There have been 3 men to take the mantle of the Flash, Barry, Jay Garrick, and Wally West. It has been proven that Wally West is the fastest Flash of them all. He damaged the Anti Monitor, a multiverse DC threat. He’s defeated Superman on another Earth. Mr. Terrific has stated that he is too powerful to exist. He has also out ran the Speed Force….which is INSANE
Correlation: As a DC fanatic, Batman is my favorite character, but I also love the Flash. The personality that PML sees of me is mostly alike with Wally. The Flash is one of the strongest guys in all of DC, if we are breaking it down he is really top 3. You would not know this unless you are really a DC fan though. In PML, I have a track record of having the ability to dominate but I have not followed through. I have fallen short multiple times from winning a super bowl, and many wonder how someone of my Madden skill level has not won it all. There has been a mix of choke jobs and unlucky breaks that have contributed to this. Many view me as a top user when I actually care, but my resume doesn’t support it. The Flash is stronger than Superman if you go fact for fact, but someone who is a light DC fan wouldn’t agree with this. This is where I think we are both alike. The Flash has the power to beat nearly any DC character and sees himself holding back a lot. My personality is similar to Wally West too. Well…what PML sees of me whenever I type in Discord. Wally loves cracking jokes and attracting women. He is one of the most unserious members of the Justice League. This is me in PML. I feel like when I am OUT OF IT…I am completely OUT OF IT and it can be displayed in my gameplay at times. You can see when I am done taking something serious. All of these factors play a role into me being the Flash of the PML DC Universe.

Bears – Peacemaker
First Appearance: THE FIGHTIN’ 5 #40 (1966)
Arch nemesis: Justice League
Abilities: combat skill, top level marksman, weapons expert
Motives: Peacemaker is motivated by a dedication to achieving peace at any cost, even if it means resorting to extreme methods. Peacemaker is driven by a combination of trauma and a sense of duty instilled in him by his father, a former supervillain himself. Despite his good intentions, Peacemaker’s commitment to his mission sometimes leads him down a path of crime. In his HBO Max show and the DCEU, he was recruited by Amanda Waller to join the Suicide Squad, a group of criminals performing off the books tasks in return for reduced sentences and being able to live
Notable Moment(s): He has had a few huge moments recently in the live action DC movies and shows. He has killed Rick Flag, a vital member of the Suicide Squad. He has also survived a bullet to his throat that was shot by Bloodsport.
Correlation: These guys have a couple things in common that you wouldn’t expect. Ever since that Week 18 game in season 1, Jefe officially became the Peacemaker in my eyes. He emphasized to me MULTIPLE times in a message that I could sit starters and did not have to win. Me letting my foot off of the gas allowed this guy to sneak into the PML playoffs and then make a run to the NFC championship. Unc fooled me! Peacemaker is an antivillain who will do whatever it takes to keep peace in his opinion. If he thinks he has to kill his own father or teammates, he would do it in a heartbeat. Jefe will do whatever it takes to get the upper hand similar to Peacemaker’s will to keep peace. Once these guys have their goals set, they want to make sure they accomplish them. Peacemaker is an extremely skilled combatant in the DC Universe as well. He was able to take on the Suicide Squad and survive some close deaths. Jefe is one of those guys that is hard to take out. He is always a tough matchup no matter how his season is going. This is why Jefe is the Peacemaker of our PML DC Universe.

Vikings – Martian Manhunter
First Appearance: DETECTIVE COMICS #225 (1955)
Arch nemesis: Ma’alefa’ak
Abilities: flight, super strength, invulnerability, enhanced speed, shapeshifting, invisibility, telepathy, telekinesis, intelligence, intangibility, optic blasts
Motives: J’onn J’onnz was one of the few survivors from a civil war on his home planet, Mars. He accidently traveled to Earth and now fights to protect his new home. J’onn J’onzz suffered tremendous tragedies, including the deaths of his wife, their child and almost his entire race on Mars. Under his new moniker, Martian Manhunter, he passionately defends Earth and uses his powers to make sure his new home planet never suffers the same fate as Mars did.
Notable Moment(s): Martian Manhunter has not had the most feats in DC. He is one of the most powerful characters in the universe, but often gets nerfed and his weakness being fire makes him a little easier to defeat than others. However, he is nearly as powerful as Superman. The Martian Manhunter also was a government general in the DCEU with Zack Snyder and was seen in the film “Batman vs Superman” without the audience knowing it was him until it was revealed after
Correlation: Sometimes referred to as the Golden Boy of PML, Wimmy is definitely our Martian Manhunter of PML. Martian Manhunter is a powerful hero, but his powers are not usually shown on the big screen. He is always nerfed in movies when in reality he is a powerful member of the Justice League. We’ve seen some lower tier villains give this guy problems. Wimmy is seen as a great user in PML. His resume the last two cycles may not be the best, but people still view him as a top 10 guy in most people’s lists. Surprisingly, he has missed the playoffs two times already this cycle which is definitely a shock for someone as highly regarded as him. This is where he is like Martian Manhunter. Both are strong in what they do, but that power hasn’t been on full display. Wimmy is also notorious for losing to Super Bowl winners, which is an amazing but also devastating feat. It is part of the reason why he is spoken so highly of in PML. Another reason these two are alike is they are both the likeable guys. Look at it like this. KingMike and Que are both viewed as top 15 users. If they missed the playoffs twice like Wimmy did, there would be endless talks about it. People have been on Que’s and KingMike’s head all cycle for underperforming or “tanking”. Wimmy is seen as just as good or if not better than both guys and there has been no one saying a word about him missing the playoffs twice. In PML, it is more about the name than the actual user. His likeable personality keeps him exempt from a lot criticism that the average PML user receives. Wimmy has come off of some good regular seasons though, and is having another stellar one at the moment. On the other hand, Martian Manhunter is never criticized and is seen as another strong Justice League member. He isn’t in the spotlight too much, but shines in his given moments like Wimmy does. Wimmy and Martian Manhunter are two powerful and friendly individuals. All of these factors play into why Wimmy is the Martian Manhunter of the PML DC Universe

Lions – Shazam
First Appearance: WHIZ COMICS #2 (1940)
Arch nemesis: Black Adam
Abilities: super strength, flight, invulnerability, superhuman agility, super speed, living lightning
Motives: Billy Batson’s parents died when he was a baby. The orphaned child believed he had no one to rely on and that he would have to make a living for himself. One day, he was guided to the Rock of Eternity, where the ancient wizard Shazam was staying. Billy was then selected to become the wizard’s new champion, able to transform himself into an adult superhero by calling down a magical bolt of lightning with the word “Shazam”. Now Billy Batson uses his powers gifted by the wizard to fight crime. He has gone by the name Captain Marvel for years and now has recently been under the name Shazam
Notable Moment(s): He is able to share his powers with his family, which is how the Shazam family was created. He has also defeated Superboy Prime. Shazam has beaten Gods like Atlas, Thor, and Aries. His powers are actually those of Gods themselves. Shazam has the strength of Hercules, stamina of Atlas, power of Zeus, courage of Achilles, and the speed of Mercury
Correlation: Speed speed speed! Fallen is known for building some of the fastest teams in PML history. We gave him a head start by giving him a 99 speed Jameson Williams out the gate. Shazam has qualities of various Greek Gods, but his main strengths rely in his speed and lightning abilities. Lightning is a direct representation of speed. I wanted to make Fallen the Flash, but there are a couple reasons why I gave him Shazam. Fallen is one of the great users in PML. I honestly feel like he is slept on. He has put together two good regular seasons but not the most playoff success. He missed the playoffs once and lost badly in the first round another season. Shazam is a strong character but his immaturity causes him to lose to a few villains. Fallen is very effective at times but also loses games he shouldn’t. Fallen has started out both seasons hot and then cooled off as the seasons progressed. Right now, I think he is 7-2 and it will be interesting to see what happens. People would think Fallen will slow down in the back half of the season, but let’s see if he proves his reputation wrong. He knows his flaws and definitely wants to work on them to be better. His team building skills are also commendable. He tends to build a lot of 85+ overall teams by season 2 or 3. This is another reason he is Shazam. Shazam can go toe to toe with Superman, Darkseid, and other DC heavyweights. His set of powers itself can give characters headaches. All of these reasons are why Fallen is our Shazam.