Welcome to the final installment of my PML DC Comics article series. If you have made it this far, I want to thank you. This definitely took a lot of time and brainstorming. I plan on releasing a full complete edition of the AFC and NFC. This will recap everything for guys who may have missed their division releases. Now let’s introduce the NFC North. This division is full of users who are neck and neck. These guys are really good and can go play for play with many users in PML. We have the Flash, who is arguably the strongest member of the Justice League but never fully unleashes his power. I feel like only true comic book fans know this guy is super powerful. Then we have peacemaker who is becoming a household name. John Cena has done an EXCELLENT job playing this character in the movie Suicide Squad and now is starring in his own show as Peacemaker. I love the attention to this character. Next, we got Martian Manhunter. If you watched the Justice League shows as a kid, you should know this character. He also made an appearance in Zack Snyder’s Justice League. This guy is from Mars and has become one of Earth’s mightiest heroes. Lastly, we have Shazam. This guy is coming off of two movies on the big screen. These films showed how powerful he is and hopefully there is more to come in the future. I really like Shazam and I feel like he deserves more attention. He hasn’t had too much screen time in the animated DC Universe, but he stars in a couple live action films. This division has a unique combination of personalities and powers. Now let’s talk about who is who!

Packers – Flash (Wally West)
First Appearance: FLASH COMICS #1 (1940)
Arch nemesis: Reverse Flash
Abilities: super speed, intangibility, superhuman agility, time travel, creates and controls lightning, multiversal knowledge
Motives: When Barry Allen was the Flash, he took Wally West under his wing as the Kid Flash. Both had similar abilities from the Speed Force. The same lightning bolt that struck Barry to give him his powers also struck Wally West. When Barry Allen was considered dead, Wally West then took the mantle of the Flash
Notable Moment(s): There have been 3 men to take the mantle of the Flash, Barry, Jay Garrick, and Wally West. It has been proven that Wally West is the fastest Flash of them all. He damaged the Anti Monitor, a multiverse DC threat. He’s defeated Superman on another Earth. Mr. Terrific has stated that he is too powerful to exist. He has also out ran the Speed Force….which is INSANE
Correlation: As a DC fanatic, Batman is my favorite character, but I also love the Flash. The personality that PML sees of me is mostly alike with Wally. The Flash is one of the strongest guys in all of DC, if we are breaking it down he is really top 3. You would not know this unless you are really a DC fan though. In PML, I have a track record of having the ability to dominate but I have not followed through. I have fallen short multiple times from winning a super bowl, and many wonder how someone of my Madden skill level has not won it all. There has been a mix of choke jobs and unlucky breaks that have contributed to this. Many view me as a top user when I actually care, but my resume doesn’t support it. The Flash is stronger than Superman if you go fact for fact, but someone who is a light DC fan wouldn’t agree with this. This is where I think we are both alike. The Flash has the power to beat nearly any DC character and sees himself holding back a lot. My personality is similar to Wally West too. Well…what PML sees of me whenever I type in Discord. Wally loves cracking jokes and attracting women. He is one of the most unserious members of the Justice League. This is me in PML. I feel like when I am OUT OF IT…I am completely OUT OF IT and it can be displayed in my gameplay at times. You can see when I am done taking something serious. All of these factors play a role into me being the Flash of the PML DC Universe.

Bears – Peacemaker
First Appearance: THE FIGHTIN’ 5 #40 (1966)
Arch nemesis: Justice League
Abilities: combat skill, top level marksman, weapons expert
Motives: Peacemaker is motivated by a dedication to achieving peace at any cost, even if it means resorting to extreme methods. Peacemaker is driven by a combination of trauma and a sense of duty instilled in him by his father, a former supervillain himself. Despite his good intentions, Peacemaker’s commitment to his mission sometimes leads him down a path of crime. In his HBO Max show and the DCEU, he was recruited by Amanda Waller to join the Suicide Squad, a group of criminals performing off the books tasks in return for reduced sentences and being able to live
Notable Moment(s): He has had a few huge moments recently in the live action DC movies and shows. He has killed Rick Flag, a vital member of the Suicide Squad. He has also survived a bullet to his throat that was shot by Bloodsport.
Correlation: These guys have a couple things in common that you wouldn’t expect. Ever since that Week 18 game in season 1, Jefe officially became the Peacemaker in my eyes. He emphasized to me MULTIPLE times in a message that I could sit starters and did not have to win. Me letting my foot off of the gas allowed this guy to sneak into the PML playoffs and then make a run to the NFC championship. Unc fooled me! Peacemaker is an antivillain who will do whatever it takes to keep peace in his opinion. If he thinks he has to kill his own father or teammates, he would do it in a heartbeat. Jefe will do whatever it takes to get the upper hand similar to Peacemaker’s will to keep peace. Once these guys have their goals set, they want to make sure they accomplish them. Peacemaker is an extremely skilled combatant in the DC Universe as well. He was able to take on the Suicide Squad and survive some close deaths. Jefe is one of those guys that is hard to take out. He is always a tough matchup no matter how his season is going. This is why Jefe is the Peacemaker of our PML DC Universe.

Vikings – Martian Manhunter
First Appearance: DETECTIVE COMICS #225 (1955)
Arch nemesis: Ma’alefa’ak
Abilities: flight, super strength, invulnerability, enhanced speed, shapeshifting, invisibility, telepathy, telekinesis, intelligence, intangibility, optic blasts
Motives: J’onn J’onnz was one of the few survivors from a civil war on his home planet, Mars. He accidently traveled to Earth and now fights to protect his new home. J’onn J’onzz suffered tremendous tragedies, including the deaths of his wife, their child and almost his entire race on Mars. Under his new moniker, Martian Manhunter, he passionately defends Earth and uses his powers to make sure his new home planet never suffers the same fate as Mars did.
Notable Moment(s): Martian Manhunter has not had the most feats in DC. He is one of the most powerful characters in the universe, but often gets nerfed and his weakness being fire makes him a little easier to defeat than others. However, he is nearly as powerful as Superman. The Martian Manhunter also was a government general in the DCEU with Zack Snyder and was seen in the film “Batman vs Superman” without the audience knowing it was him until it was revealed after
Correlation: Sometimes referred to as the Golden Boy of PML, Wimmy is definitely our Martian Manhunter of PML. Martian Manhunter is a powerful hero, but his powers are not usually shown on the big screen. He is always nerfed in movies when in reality he is a powerful member of the Justice League. We’ve seen some lower tier villains give this guy problems. Wimmy is seen as a great user in PML. His resume the last two cycles may not be the best, but people still view him as a top 10 guy in most people’s lists. Surprisingly, he has missed the playoffs two times already this cycle which is definitely a shock for someone as highly regarded as him. This is where he is like Martian Manhunter. Both are strong in what they do, but that power hasn’t been on full display. Wimmy is also notorious for losing to Super Bowl winners, which is an amazing but also devastating feat. It is part of the reason why he is spoken so highly of in PML. Another reason these two are alike is they are both the likeable guys. Look at it like this. KingMike and Que are both viewed as top 15 users. If they missed the playoffs twice like Wimmy did, there would be endless talks about it. People have been on Que’s and KingMike’s head all cycle for underperforming or “tanking”. Wimmy is seen as just as good or if not better than both guys and there has been no one saying a word about him missing the playoffs twice. In PML, it is more about the name than the actual user. His likeable personality keeps him exempt from a lot criticism that the average PML user receives. Wimmy has come off of some good regular seasons though, and is having another stellar one at the moment. On the other hand, Martian Manhunter is never criticized and is seen as another strong Justice League member. He isn’t in the spotlight too much, but shines in his given moments like Wimmy does. Wimmy and Martian Manhunter are two powerful and friendly individuals. All of these factors play into why Wimmy is the Martian Manhunter of the PML DC Universe

Lions – Shazam
First Appearance: WHIZ COMICS #2 (1940)
Arch nemesis: Black Adam
Abilities: super strength, flight, invulnerability, superhuman agility, super speed, living lightning
Motives: Billy Batson’s parents died when he was a baby. The orphaned child believed he had no one to rely on and that he would have to make a living for himself. One day, he was guided to the Rock of Eternity, where the ancient wizard Shazam was staying. Billy was then selected to become the wizard’s new champion, able to transform himself into an adult superhero by calling down a magical bolt of lightning with the word “Shazam”. Now Billy Batson uses his powers gifted by the wizard to fight crime. He has gone by the name Captain Marvel for years and now has recently been under the name Shazam
Notable Moment(s): He is able to share his powers with his family, which is how the Shazam family was created. He has also defeated Superboy Prime. Shazam has beaten Gods like Atlas, Thor, and Aries. His powers are actually those of Gods themselves. Shazam has the strength of Hercules, stamina of Atlas, power of Zeus, courage of Achilles, and the speed of Mercury
Correlation: Speed speed speed! Fallen is known for building some of the fastest teams in PML history. We gave him a head start by giving him a 99 speed Jameson Williams out the gate. Shazam has qualities of various Greek Gods, but his main strengths rely in his speed and lightning abilities. Lightning is a direct representation of speed. I wanted to make Fallen the Flash, but there are a couple reasons why I gave him Shazam. Fallen is one of the great users in PML. I honestly feel like he is slept on. He has put together two good regular seasons but missed the playoffs twice. It is crazy him and Wimmy missed it twice given how great both of their regular seasons have been. Shazam is a strong character but his immaturity causes him to lose to a few villains. Fallen is very effective at times but also loses games he shouldn’t. Fallen has started out both seasons hot and then cooled off as the seasons progressed. Right now, I think he is 7-2 and it will be interesting to see what happens. People would think Fallen will slow down in the back half of the season, but let’s see if he proves his reputation wrong. He knows his flaws and definitely wants to work on them to be better. His team building skills are also commendable. He tends to build a lot of 85+ overall teams by season 2 or 3. This is another reason he is Shazam. Shazam can go toe to toe with Superman, Darkseid, and other DC heavyweights. His set of powers itself can give characters headaches. All of these reasons are why Fallen is our Shazam.