Transcript: 49ers Head Coach Press Conference

What were the keys to the team’s victory this week?

Today's win over the Arizona Cardinals showcased the kind of balanced offensive strategy we aim for. Our game plan was executed flawlessly by the team, utilizing both the run and pass effectively to keep the Cardinals' defense guessing. We had some key drives where our running backs gained critical yards, and our quarterback made some precise throws that moved the chains at crucial moments. It's this kind of versatility that makes our offense tough to defend against.

On the defensive side, our ability to force turnovers played a significant role in today's success. Our defensive unit did an excellent job reading the quarterback and making plays on the ball, leading to a couple of game-changing takeaways. This not only shifted the momentum but also gave us advantageous field positions, contributing significantly to the outcome of the game.

Overall, it was a solid team effort, and these are the kinds of performances that build confidence as we progress through the season. Let's keep this intensity up and carry the momentum into the next game!

Can you talk about the development of C.J. Smith so far?

C.J. Smith is really starting to make his mark in the league, even as a 20-year-old. Every week, he shows significant growth, adapting and improving his game. What stands out the most is his explosive speed—once he gets going, he's incredibly difficult to catch. This speed, combined with his agility, allows him to make defenders miss with remarkable ease, turning what could be modest gains into big plays.

His natural gifts don't just stop at his physical abilities. C.J. has a keen sense of the field and an instinct for finding weak spots in the defense, which he exploits consistently. It's these attributes that not only make him a threat in any game situation but also a critical asset for our offensive strategy.

Given his rapid development and natural talent, it's clear that C.J. Smith will be among the top receivers in this league, likely sooner rather than later. His ability to impact the game is already evident, and as he continues to refine his skills and build on his experiences, there's no limit to what he can achieve in his career.

Can you talk about what it’s like to prepare to go against a player like Emari Demercado?

Preparing to go against a player like Emari Demercado was a significant challenge for any defense, including ours. Demercado's speed is his biggest asset; he has the ability to turn a routine play into a highlight reel. His acceleration once he finds a gap can leave many defenders trailing, and his agility makes him a tough target to bring down.

In terms of strategy, our focus was on containment. We've been drilling our defensive line and linebackers on maintaining gap integrity, ensuring that Demercado did not find those openings to use his speed. It's about disciplined defense, staying in their lanes and not over-pursuing, which could create cutback lanes for him.

We were very aware of his abilities as a pass catcher. Demercado isn't just a threat in the traditional running game; he can be just as dangerous when he's coming out of the backfield on passing downs. We adjusted our coverage schemes to account for that, making sure our linebackers and safeties were aware of where he was on every play, especially in third-down situations where he might have looked to make a big play in the passing game.

Overall, it was about minimizing his opportunities to get into open space and making sure we tackled effectively when he did get the ball. It’s a tough task, but the team was up for the challenge.