Transcript: Colts Head Coach Press Conference

What are your thoughts about the Texans going into this week?

It's going to be a tough matchup like it always is. There's so much you have to account for on defense and you can't let up for one second. It's going to take a really focused week of practice and preparation, but I think we're up for the challenge.

Can you summarize what it was like playing against the Ravens last week?

It was good. Getting another win after the previous week really lifted our guys' spirits. That's a really tough defense to go up again so I'm really proud of how our guys went out there and performed.

Can you talk about the development of Caleb Banks so far?

No, I can't talk about it because Caleb and like six other major players on my team are in the training room dealing with an injury. The league has to do something about this. There's no way all of my impact players are hurt.