Transcript: Rams Head Coach Press Conference

Over your career, what makes a team better at not turning the ball over as the season goes along? What kind of things you need to emphasize? How much of it is coaching? How much of it is a mental part? Physical part?

It's a mental thing. These are long games, and there's a lot of power is knowing that you can't win a game in the first quarter, but you can certainly lose a game in the first quarter. We do our best to make the game as easy as possible for our guys.

Your team is one of the oldest teams in the league in terms of average age. How do you feel about the future of this team while not having as many young players as other teams? Do you think having an older team has its benefits?

Even after some of our lifelong Ram vets retired this past offseason, we still seem to be on the older side. But we also have the highest overall roster in the league. So there's something there about wisdom in old age I suppose.

Can you speak to the overall team health?

We're doing alright at the moment. But you never know when the barrage of injuries will hit, you just know it'll happen. So we're prepared at any moment to turn over our roster to the next man up.