Can you summarize what it was like playing against the Broncos last week?
They were a tough team, we didn't do what we set out to do and the results were shown in the scoreboard with us losing to them. I have to give it to the Broncos head coach, he coached his team well and they performed great in the game to get the victory over us.
Can you talk about the development of Noah Fifita so far?
I can see his progression but with how he has been struggling so far. He and I had a lengthy discussion in which he decided to sit on the bench and study how the game progresses at the next level. He knows that he is the future of the team but he also knows that the team won't succeed until he himself gets better. Dak Prescott will be getting the start against the Chargers and more games to come as we work with Noah.
Over your career, what makes a team better at not turning the ball over as the season goes along? What kind of things you need to emphasize? How much of it is coaching? How much of it is a mental part? Physical part?
A big part of not turning the ball over for our offense is having our offensive line protecting our QBs, the limited amount of star power on our line is hindering our ability to really focus on making plays on offense and when your QB has a quicker pass clock, it leads to them only looking at one read and if the read isn't there, the pick is usually following it, or the sack which destroys our teams chances of winning any games.
What were some of the contributing factors to the loss this week?
our offensive line is getting decimated, there is the injury to D.J Humphries and then to Ty Crawford, and with them gone, we don't have enough depth to keep our QBs safe, the previous head coach of this team never addressed this glaring need for the team and as a result, the offense is suffering from it. The receivers are doing their job and the QBs are trying to do theirs, but when you have something as important to the offense as the offensive line not having too much depth, it kills all the momentum you can gain.
Can you speak to the overall team health?
It started off well but now the team is breaking apart and it is affecting our offensive line the most, the team has lost 2 starters on the line and with them gone, the team is unable to protect the team well and that is leading to the offense not being able to succeed anymore.