Codes Mike wasn’t tanking Reality or Overreaction: Reality Mike was accused of tanking all of last season which he denied....
1. Houston Texans (2-0): No Stroud, no problem! Mad Max Duggan filled in for the suspended CJ Stroud and helped...
1. Houston Texans (3-0): Through 3 games, the Texans look like the most complete team in the league. A top...
Codes Lions will win NFCN Reality or Overreaction: Reality Fallen is sitting at 2-0 without his star WR Jamo. He...
Codes Injuries really impact a season Reality or Overreaction: Reality It may sound kinda obvious, but past cycles you maybe...
1. Houston Texans (1-0): Yikes. Kingke absolutely destroyed the CPU Jaguars this week and broke a few of the stat...